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Some would say I like to have my fingers in a lot of pies - and they would be right.

How do I encapsulate all my businesses and interests on one site? It was difficult when I was trying to 'find myself' and work out what I wanted to do 'as a business'. I have so many interests and passions - and above all, I love helping others. Over the years, whilst bringing up my brood, I have worked numerous 'small businesses', chaired numerous committees, formed and helped several charities and built a house. To name but few. But the essence of all this is that I love creative thinking, learning new things... like a sponge, and teaching or helping others.

My core platform that gives me business connections, friendships, continuous education and, of course, fabulous hair and skin - is my Monat business. This built up my confidence and motivated me to get on with it - 5,4,3,2,1! Without this business I feel I would still be lost in this covid 'warp in time'.

I love that I can be flexible with my business/es. Being consistent with my core business is important and key to continuous growth. Sewing and clothing design is one of my core strengths but has not necessarily been an easy business to run this last year - due to homeschooling 3 children (from 3 schools) and my husband taking over my office.

My new office has been the sofa or kitchen table whilst juggling household chores and teaching - like so many other parents out there. My creativity is my sanity - the feeling that you have actually done something yourself, escapism and the feeling of achievement.

If there is one lesson we have all learnt this past year is that we can adapt to whatever constraints are put in our way.

So I have been making artwork from my 'new office' for my website, built websites for friends and charities, earned a 5 star trip to France (when borders open again) and have a happy wee family.

It is the website side that I wanted to elaborate on. With my computer and design background, website designing and implementing comes as second nature. The sites I am most proud of over lockdown have been the charity event websites. When charities have been faced with inability to get out and muster supporters to raise funds and events - what do you do? Go Virtual. So with the two Grammar schools I support I built platforms for the PTAs and students organisations to run independently of the schools - who already have enough on their plates. Raffles, Second hand uniform sales, Prom tickets, Young Enterprise sales - the sky is the limit. Then broadening their reach via Social Media channels and teaching them how to take it all forward. Essential learnings for the new generation going forward.

Other website concepts and applications I have worked on have been Holiday Cottage lettings, Product websites, Shops and Event planning. Every one of them unique and a new creative challenge.

So do you have a creative challenge to throw my way?

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